Sunday, March 16, 2008

Are we slaves to technology or it's friends?

Information Technology is speeding up the way the world works. The entire concept of the workplace is changing rapidly, and the ‘automatic workplace’ may some day come all the way into effect. In this age it is very possible to structure a business or organization in a simple and efficiency way, but to do this would be thoroughly inhuman. Striving to create a workplace that is too efficient and electronically driven will most likely generate a miserable working environment where the employees and customers would be slaves to technology, rather than technology’s friend. How do you think?


Anonymous said...

From my point of view, we, human being,can both slaves to technology and its' friend. The thing is I do not agree with the idea that using technology means being inhuman at workplace. I agreee with the idea that sometimes more technologies generate more workloads. However,all of us work of this MIS class and already have some years of work experience. Do you think we can work only with technologies? I do not think so. We rely on technology to work, but we still put more weights on human relations... :)

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine go on a auto trip without navigator or mobile? Hopely, I want to have it without them and go place no one disturb me.

Dong-Guen Lee said...

제생각으로는 업무에서의 technology는 원하는 자료를 가장 효율적인 방법으로 산출하는 것을 추구합니다. 물론 산출된 자료는 경영의사결정에 이용되겠지요. 아이러니는 새로운 Technology는 그것이 새롭기 때문에 초기에는 항상 불편하고 시간도 더 많이 들어 비효율적으로 보인다는 것입니다. 그러나 익숙해지고 나면 훨씬 더 효율적이게 될 겁니다. 저는 문제가 오히려 여기에서 부터 시작된다고 봅니다. Technology를 익숙하게 다루고 적응한 단계인, 극도의 효율적인 환경이 사람이 살아가는데 가장 적합한 환경이냐는 것입니다. 즉 경영학적으로 최고의 효율적인 환경(예, 직원의 행동하나하나에서의 모든 비효율을 제거한 상태)을 구축함으로서 기업가치를 극대화했을때, 이때는 인정을 하던 인정을 하지 않던 technology의 노예가 된 상태가 아닐까요? 입고된 재고를 원하는 위치에 적재하는데 가장 효율적인 path를 알려주는 system은 좋지만, 만약 자기자리에서 커피를 마시러 가는데 가장 효율적인 경로를 시스템이 알려주고 이를 통제한다고 생각해 보세요.효율성을 추구하는 technology를 과연 어느 시점에서 정지시켜야 할 까요?

If the system can direct the most efficient way to place goods to a designated place in a warehouse, this is really good. But think of this case, the system give you the most efficient path to get a cup of coffee in a canteen from your desk and monitor it, is the system is really a friend of us? At what point, we should stop technology moving forward?