Thursday, May 1, 2008

RIM's Blackberry vs. Apple's iPhone

RIM (Blackberry) has enjoyed dominant presence in the market of mobile messaging device. Though many handset makers including Samsung tried to challenge RIM, they were not successful due to user lock-in effect. No matter how fancy and smart devices they introduced, all US carriers were reluctant to carry them and requested 'exactly the same user experience as that of Blackberry.' Now, however, the once seemingly invincible dominance of Blackberry seems to fade away in the face of strong attack from Apple's iPhone. The following article from International Herald Tribune provides elaborate explanation about the rise of iPhone and its threat to Blackberry. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry can not keep its dominant position in the market as a current but its name will not lose a synonym for mobile.