Monday, June 16, 2008

How IT can deliver success in a downturn

How IT can deliver success in a downturn
By Peter Whitehead, Digital Business Editor
Published: June 13 2008 10:35 Last updated: June 13 2008 10:35
In the May 28 edition of Digital Business, I suggested a few measures the IT department could take to deliver corporate success in an economic downturn (”Time for IT to go shopping?”). I also invited readers to suggest their own ideas and a few of the responses appear below.
One of my suggestions was for companies to look at web-delivered services. But Lawrence D. Crowson of Chicago warned that before embarking on the Saas route, businesses needed to work out what is mission-critical to them.
Jonathan Grant, chief executive of NewVoiceMedia, on the other hand, recommends “cloud computing” wholeheartedly – but does admit to having a vested interest.
Mark Jeffries, author of “What’s up with your handshake”, put the effectiveness of the IT team in difficult times largely down to how it communicates with the business side; while Allan Kelly is a big fan of Agile development; and Francis Hsu advocates a focus on the Information part of IT, rather than the Technology part. Finally, Giles Nelson of Progress Software suggests service oriented architecture as a means of squeezing out waste.

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