Monday, April 7, 2008

Web 2.0 Changing Banking Habits

Traditional banks are aiming to attract young customers by taking advantage of so-called Web 2.0 services, such as blogs, virtual communities such as Second Life and social-networking sites such as Facebook.
At the same time, those Internet services are actively seeking ways to transform themselves into a form of online bank to make profits from transaction fees. The integration of the two sides ― conventional banking industry and modern-day Web 2.0 Internet services ― is an irreversible trend.


Jeeyun Chung said...

Sometimes I just wonder, does new technology is safe and make us happY? On-line banking system evolove everyday and we should be beneficiary. It is cleary efficient method compare to physical bank. But always the hot issue of security should be guaranteed 100%.

Anonymous said...

I also worry banking in web has lots of problem that could happen. we need to bulid counterplan to prohibit invasion by professional hackers first.