Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Toshiba ApriPoko Robot

I am introducing you a cool gadget but you can't get here yet.

Before reading below article, pls guess what this robot really is.

You can find more gadget by clicking this link.


Bot's All, Folks
Toshiba ApriPoko Robot

As if you needed another reason never to leave the couch. This 11-inch-tall robot--which looks like the love child of a bird Pokemon and the Pillsbury Doughboy--is actually a voice-activated remote control that incorporates artificial intelligence. If you pick up your TV's remote and start pressing buttons, ApriPoko will ask what you're doing and then memorize the IR codes associated with your actions. The next time around, you can just say "turn on the TV" and ApriPoko will take matters from there. That's the theory, anyway.
Availability: As yet, ApriPoko is nesting in Toshiba's research labs, awaiting its first solo flight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sooooo~ cute!!! can robot contribute for human life without problem really???